What is Juiced Up?

Founded in 2013 by David “Juice” Gullett II, “Juiced Up” is an up and coming apparel brand based out of Gary, IN.  This brand was created to inspire individuals to Just Use Intelligence and Confidence Every Day.This line gives you the feeling of simply enjoying life to the fullest.

Wearing “Juiced Up” Clothing builds an image of self-assurance and positive street credibility.  It also gives you the drive and motivation to achieve whatever you set out to do.

About the founder

Born and raised in Gary, IN, David Gullett II has always been referred to as “Juice.”  From his home life to the development of his exceptional athletic skills in basketball, football, and track. David has always been a team player who consistently demonstrated the ability to get everyone excited – or as we now say, “Juiced Up,” when it comes to getting things accomplished

David decided to take his nickname and turn it into a phrase that will help give everyone the same desire and sense of teamwork that he has had over the years in accomplishing goals.  Using the “Juiced Up” brand, David hopes to inspire others to Just Use Intelligence and Confidence Every Day!!!